CD transport vs.streaming

Many have stated on this forum that the SQ from their CDs is superior to the sound from streaming sources. Others have said the opposite. Weirdly, in side by side identical tracks the sound from my Cyrus CDt sounds identical to my Cambridge CXN v2 streamer. I wonder if anyone else has this experience.


I'm a solo manufacturer, so if I may - try listening to an SACD with this setup: HDMI out of a universal player to the GeerFab Audio D.BOB, which extracts the DSD64 (and PCM up to 24/192) and sends it to an external DAC via the DoP over Coax/Toslink protocol. Legally. The SACD world has been waiting 20 years for this. More reliable than streaming. Is there even a way to stream DSD? Download, yes, but streaming?

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As ericgeer says: I can testify that an SACD with the GeerFab Audio D.BOB device sounds better than streaming or red book CD.

“Is there even a way to stream DSD? Download, yes, but streaming?”


The major advantage with DSD downloads, once downloaded; one can ‘stream’ DSD file without the need of any additional hardware. The whole point of streaming is to eliminate a disc player.

As clever as it sounds, I am trying to understand the ‘need’ for a device like D.BOB for someone who already owns a SACD and Universal players. I would appreciate some clarification, thank you!


The D.BOB is a device which connects to your universal player or SACD player and uses it as a transport for your SACDs. It remarkably improves the sound which you get from the player alone.