Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


This seems like a memorial. 


A good man

Loved our country

Valued personal setup over tradition

Liked a weird speaker

 Enjoyed anti-vibration

If he rises again I hope for Miller Light

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Cindymeat just woke up one day and instead of being his normal self after his fairy god mother left, he stayed a big ol prick.. Richard in the morning, Dick by afternoon. A2D, and a few of the guy when they get off their meds are world class disrupters. It's like an Olympic Sport, until the guys in the white coats (care givers) catch up and Thorazine their A$$.

Come to think of it a "Thorazine Key", what do you think, "Haldol Key"? You just paint the floor with different colors and put that color gown on the person, follow the tape. Come off the rail (tape) a drown darts your misguided self. Eventually you'll follow the tape, or you'll slobber to death..


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