rixthetrick you have a spirt of "it might work", for that I commend you. My wallet opens like an old creaky door. The folded money may crumble in your hand. Lets put it this way there is no security strip in my cash..
IF someone hadn’t given me a handful of SR fuses I would have never tried them. I did I paid him for the fuses. I used ACMEs and had from their inception. 80-90s. I was also a fan of over capping the crap out of power supplies and using a knife edge switch to charge the caps and then flip on the fused switch let the fuse take over and flip the knife edge back off. WHY?
It doesn’t super heat and add resistance to that itty bitty fuse element. Some of the fuses elements MOVE when you fire up a unit.. You really think that doesn’t affect the SQ?
Then I went to breakers in all my SS power amp. I leave any thermal shut down in place and remove the cheesy fuse circuit.. I use to use Pass design. Adcom 55-5800. Then Threshold. I still have them. Krells had a cheese ball 5 dollar fuses circuit, KRELL. 5-40k amps 5 dollar fuse holder made out of rhodium.. Worst on the planet..
I use Class Ds now first thing to come out is the fuse circuit. 5 dollar fuse holder in 2-4K amps.. stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.. Look at most pro amps they have a circuit breaker and cost 3-700.00 dollars?
Makes you wonder who is in cahoots with who.. Amp guys with the fuse guys or the fuse guys with the amp guys? BOTH. Neither, that would be spooky if they both thought stick fuses were better. Fuse makers and amp builders..
No fuses in a megaphone. :-)