How long ago did you catch the bug?

My first inkling was about 1972 when a friend mentioned such things as Dual, Thorens, AR, Scott, etc. By '74-'75 I knew about all the Japanese manufacturers (courtesy of a military PX catalog) and about McIntosh. By '76 ​​was using a hand me down all in one Panasonic compact system. The compact system did not last long and very shortly after, '77, came a "proper" 1970's system with such names as Pioneer, Kenwood, Shure, AR, Teac. 

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Junior high - probably 1976 - my friend Dan had his dad’s stereo. It wasn’t much but is was separates rather than the ubiquitous all-in-one systems everyone had at that time. He played The Who, Live at Leeds and I couldn’t believe how much more there was to the music. 

The next year my grandmother decided to give all of her 28(?) grandkids their inheritance - $1000. I caught a lot of crap for going straight out and blowing all of the $s on a stereo. Kenwood KA-701, Pioneer PL-17 ( w/ Audio Technica cart), and AR-14 speakers. The Kenwood is still going strong with my oldest son at grad school and my ARs are with my younger son in undergrad (the TT died). Funny part is that none of my siblings or cousins has any idea what they did with their inheritance but mine is still making beautiful music all these years later. 

It was about 1973 my friend got a Harman Karon integrated amp and a pair of AR speakers (don't remember the model) but loved the sound and discovered I need that in my life

Father was a vocalist, his grandfather a fiddler. Mother played piano despite being tone-deaf and hostile to rock, while her mother, the fun one, reminded people of Mae West and Lillian Russell, was a huge fan of Little Richard, Jerry Lee, Liberace, Elvis, anyone flamboyant really, plus early rock from Bill Halley forward. Bought me Platters, Drifters, British Invasion and much else. So I wasn't going off to college without an all-in-one record player. Then, soph year, I had a roommate with sophisticated tastes and as good a component system as you could find in a dorm suite: my introduction to audiophilia. Then another who would play Wagner at top volume through his Klipsches. Ever since I have always owned component systems within the limitations of space and budget. Finally, now in retirement in the streaming age, I have time to learn, to experiment, and to tweak pretty much indefinitely. This remains enjoyable even though my poor old badly abused ears are pretty well shot by now.