Systems over $100k

Which of you has a $100k+ system...? Do you plan to upgrade?


@ghdprentice So jealous!  I used to sell their stuff and it is awesome.  I realize not EVERYTHING they made/make is SOTA, but if you (possibly) have the new big Maggies being run by all Audio Research reference gear, you truly have the most accurate system I have ever heard.

Doing your room as well, since it is, once again, THE MOST IMPORTANT element in any system, is key.

These days, my new "downsized" home will no longer permit me to have the system I would like, but then again this house is for my child to sell when I am gone, so value is key at this point.

Still jealous, however.  Wish I had purchased 3 D-150's back then...Oh, well, it makes me happy that people like yourself realized what was what and use the best gear.


@jakesnak.  Greetings, i hope all is well. 

I don't know what to replace the Solos with...i will compare to Apex once available.   Most of all, I'm really Intrested in the Commander.  NAGRA HD has an organic,  natural sound that paired well with Solos; hard combination to beat.  





Thanks Jose, yes the Commander looks quite substantial. If I got wind of the new line, perhaps would have waited before purchasing the Pandora. Actually not perhaps! I would have waited. Pandora is only 2 months old. Your Solos with the Cygnus and Nagra HD will be hard pressed for very many others to compete with. Take good care man....



Acoustic method with passive treatment and mechanical active control of the dedicated small room is more POWERFUL than almost any upgrade of any piece of gear..

Audiophile experience is linked to acoustic knowledge not to price tags..

The electronic engineering market is mature so much now that we can buy basically good piece of gear at relatively low costs...

The acoustic knowledge of small room is in his infancy because the need for a dedicated small room was not there save for few customers... Most customers put their system in a living room...

My point is the only luxury in audio is DEDICATED tunable room for the specfic speakers...

I dont give a dam about costly gear...I dont need it to fill my room with 3d musical instruments with natural timbre  and even relatively to some record sound coming from my back with this steroe basic system... it is clear?

The ratio of S.Q. of my modest system is over the roof...It is not the best system at all...But my dedicated room is at his best for this speakers which are already basic good one for sure...

i put all my 7 headphones of all types in a closet..Think about that... Electrostatcis, planar, dynamc one and hibryd one... How this is possible if the sound of my speakers room is not better than each one of them ?

It is and why?

ACOUSTIC control...

that is my point in a nutshell...

@mahgister what did you say?