Best server to use WITHOUT Roon

Finding Roon a never ending wonky software package.  I am using a SGC sonictransporter ( used to use a Nucleus).  Totally fed up with the periodic blips in its function.  Customer support is often lacking.

So, whats the best server ( with software ) for non - Roon use?


I cannot imagine listening without Roon. I have discovered SO much new music and so many artists due to the hyperlinks and text information. I use an SGC core/server and it's been reliable, but for one issue that only took a shipment back to Andrew to get fixed (I should have a NUC for backup core). 

If I didn't use Roon, I would probably get an Aurender, because their Composer app is excellent. I have heard some reports of their units "bricking" though (and that was from a dealer!). Not sure how common it is.

What streamer are you using and do you have a wireless component in your chain?  I use SGC and Roon and have not had any problems.  I also us a Bricasti M3 DAC with network card.  It sounds like you are having network drops and have not buffering built into your streamer.  Just a thought. 

Lumin, Aurender and Innuos are all considered top notch server brands and I believe they all have their own controller apps. I can’t say which would work best for you.