Don’t want to have any extended back and forth, but all the vaccines being administered around the world are still under EUA, the experiment does not end till 2026. The vaccines that have FDA approval are still not in production, and are not even due for a safety profile submission till 2025.
The Governments are using these legal gymnastics to skirt around liability for manufacturers and to rush out forced mandates.
Not that any of that matters, these are all semantics....any coercion, pressure for the public to take medication of any kind is a violation of natural human rights, the legal mumbo jumbo makes no difference to any of us that will not take it under any circumstances.
@noske The next time you go in for your booster, ask to see the insert label for the vaccines that they are injecting into you......... they all have blank pieces of paper stuffed inside, they do not have to provide a list of side effects until the experiments have ended.