Line Magnetic LM-845 Premium - How quiet is it?

I’m looking seriously at this beast to power Spatial X5. Is it pretty quiet? Any LM-845P users out there experiencing any issues with hum or other noise? With 97db speakers, even a little hum could bum, bigtime. Any other informed thoughts on this pairing are also welcome. Thanks in advance.

Any update on your situation, @neptune123 

@wrm57 What did you end up doing? 

Anyone else have any experiences in the year since this was originally posted? Cheers,


My LM845 is quiet, now. However, six months into owning it, a loud hum developed. I sent it in for repair to their shop in AZ.(all under warranty, though I paid shipping $200 one way) It took four months to get parts. It's been working fine since (8 months or so). I really like it. At first, I had it mistakenly paired it with Harbeths (86db). They sounded great at moderate to loud levels, but lackluster at low levels. I now have Klipsch Forte IV (99db). Sounds great at low to earsplitting levels. No hum and it rocks! And terrific with all kinds of music.

@neptune123, glad it worked out!

@sbank , I ended up selling the LX-380 and buying a used MQ-300 to mate with the Cornwall IV, and I love the combo. Remarkably, its 8 SET watts are more than enough in my large room. Just a great amp.

I recently purchased an LM 845 premium. I like it a lot with my Tekton Encores.

Thinking about starting to roll some tubes. As I understand it the 12ax7 are the ones to start the ball with rolling. 

Any recommendations along with good places to purchase tubes would be greatly appreciated.

I have read that these should be on the list. What do you think and will these fit the Amp?


I have a LM 216 integrated. It’s a bit old now but I really like it. About 5 years into owning it a transformer went bad. I took it to my dealer and he sent it to the distributor for repair. This was pre-covid and I had it back in 60 days. I am pretty sure the loaner I picked out was a 219ia. Once fixed the amp was fine for another 4 years and going strong. The only noise I have heard was a NOS GE tube that went bad. Replaced it with another pair of NOS tubes. Right now its pushing, ironically, Tekton Double Impact SE speakers beautifully.