Ted has criticised me for being a sock puppet member of an objectivist hit squad left over from his cable wars with Gene from Audioholics. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ted loves to label people, including those with disabilities, as well as delete posts and entire threads in order to cover his tracks.
I have never criticised Ted’s products, only his unsavoury behaviour and some of the patent nonsense used in their promotion. If you search my posts you will see that I have called out GeorgeHiFi for his obsessive war on fuses on multiple occasions.
If you sell a product and it works, it works, if it doesn’t it doesn’t - let a product stand on its merits alone. Isn’t that what subjectivism is all about? There is no need for pseudo scientific psychobabble invoking the spectres of quantum science and Nikola Tesla to sell a product.
The referenced video brings into the mainstream things that have been known in science for decades and is relevant to the discussion at hand.
I happen to own several Bybee devices that work the manner described, by interacting with the surrounding electrical field. I have subsequently found these devices to be extremely effective, The improvements they offer has been totally disproportionate to the outlay. The explanation given for their functioning is beyond bizarre, but the point is, they work.