Looking To Match A Tube Amp With A Pair Of Audio Note AN-K/Spe

I'm the original owner of a pair of K's which I've had for about 9 months. I really enjoy them and they're placed in a 30 x 12 room with a sofa bordering 10' of that 30. I listen about 10-12 feet away. Speakers toed in accordingly. Pushed by a Pass XA 30.8. Preamp is a Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme. I'm overall pretty pleased with this set up but am searching for greater punch and clarity in the midrange frequencies at lower volume levels. I'd like opinions on 2A3 or 300B SET's or EL 34 or 84 push pull as a means of addressing this. Thanks for input.  -Scott


@david_ten Does Scott/Found Music have a website? A search just turned up your post and Mike's over on WB thanks.

I personally love NOS Vitamin Q 196P’s and use them in my own builds. However, I would not like to see other caps which sound fine, even outstanding to the majority of consumers precluded from consideration on the opinion of one person, hence my proffering an alternative viewpoint for consideration.

Peter Qvortrup’s Audio Note amps are not voiced specifically for Audionote caps, as many were designed when Jensen were their supplier, and these capacitors sound markedly different to those of current Audionote manufacture. Some were even originally supplied with ERO polyester (yes polyester) caps. Good capacitors sound good in these amps. Period.

would Manley Mahi's be worthy of consideration? Both have the same power tubes (EL 84). Oto is 10W SET, Hahi is configurable to triode mode at 20W. So what's more important in considering amp/speaker matching? Type of power tube or configuration? Is there a concern regarding distortion at 20W? Any and all thoughts on this are welcome.

@scottya118 Although that speaker is an easy load for nearly any tube amplifier, I think you'll find that unless you are in a smaller room that its like a bit of power that a push pull amplifier provides, which will be very welcome- and less colored; more transparent. This is simply because at the power levels most SETs play, the distortion of a push pull amplifier will be dramatically lower, allowing you to hear into the rear of the sound stage with greater ease.

As mentioned above, Deja Vu Audio makes custom amps.  These days, they focus on fairly expensive replica/rebuilds of Western Electric amps.  They do get trade-ins of vintage tube amps as well as some of their older, and more affordable, past models.  Most of those older amps are pushpull triode amps, though some are tetrode/pentode amps.  As a Audio Note dealer, I am sure they can make good recommendations on suitable amps for the AN-K speakers.

There is an interesting builder named Tube Audio Labs that makes some very nice looking amps.  I have not heard any of their builds, so I am going on the pictures and the kinds of amps they choose to clone--Korneff, Western Electric, etc.  In other words, the builder copies good stuff.
