Choice between two different integrated tube amps (SET & PP)

I'm interested in two different integrated amps that I can get locally.

One is the Primaluna Dialogue HP and the other is the Willsenton R800i.

The Primaluna is a PP setup with EL34's and the Willsenton is a SET amp with 805 tubes.  The Primaluna has upgraded pre-amp tubes but stock EL34's, the Willsenton has all stock tubes and the chifi tubes are trash, so would need to be upgraded.  The Primaluna is $3k and the Willsenton is $2k but will need quite a bit spent on new tubes, so they are pretty much the same price.

Anybody have experience with either?  Have read great reviews of each of them.  I'll take other recommendations too but the requirements are a tube integrated under $3k that has home theater bypass.


The Primaluna is a top notch Integrated amp.   I owned one.   I’ve not heard the Willsenton.   The answer so depend on the rest of your rig.   SET, PP, etc.   what works best for your speakers and source?   Can you try both in your rig?

Trust your ears, not other’s opinions.   Hear the difference and decide for yourself if there’s value for the sonic difference.

I would look at allnic, mactone and even consider building an elekit amp in your position........ Line magnetic 845 never has bad reviews.... 

It always cracks me up when the "buy American" adage comes up in these threads.  If you took out all of the "foreign" parts in those American amps, you'd be left with an American doorstop.

Plenty of Chinese products use top notch parts from all over the world, not limited to using only Chinese parts. And yes, nearly every audio component made in more recent past and today is hybrid Chinese product.


And I don't mean to say the Willsenton cannot be reliable, research it and if it has good track record it could work out.


I don't know impedance curve of your speakers, but with 98db sensitivity 845 should work. With that sensitivity and benign impedance curve 300b is even possible, can't have severe slope or drop down below 6ohm.


Keep in mind 805 and 845 amps are space heaters, they'll heat up your room in summer. But then SET sound sublime.

@blkwrxwgn I had the same (PP vs. SET) itch that I just had to scratch. I had only owned PP amps thus far, but recently had a chance to acquire a Rogers High Fidelity 65-v2 class A SET amp based on EL34. While it does not have the juice to drive less efficient speakers or 'rock the house' if you will, there is something about the design that just pulls you in. I can't pinpoint any specific area but all I can say is that the way it presents music has an emotional, ethereal appeal that the PP amps simply cannot match at the same level. Of course, PP has its own strengths and can provide the same emotional connection. But I just feel that SET does it a little better. You do pay a price in terms of dynamics and bass output though.

Of course speaker matching and your preferred genre of music is going to be a determining factor. But if you can find a used Rogers 65-v1 or v2, you won't be disappointed. It is built by hand in the USA, point to point wiring, superb build and looks. I'm pairing it with Fritz Carrera BE speakers in my study, and I can honestly say it's the best sound I've had in this particular room so far.