How many systems do you have?

one, two, more? 


4 in my study, 1 downstairs in main house.  3 in lake house. Then outside speakers, whole house stuff, etc. 

Main: living room

HT: down stairs

Headphone: office

Craiglist scavange: Garage

Small streaming setup at girl friends condo




1 that I listen to, a closet filled with enough stuff to make 2 more. Next stop, Audiogon listings!!

Garage (old vintage stuff)

Studio/Office (very budget but enough for Qobuz and YouTube)

Den (main rig)

living room (music/tv/movies)

I have a 7.2 in my master bedroom (there was a hissy but she’s better now). I swap I swap out the front mains every few months.  I have my reference 5.2 in my basement theater. I also have a separate two channel system in the same space. I have fourteen pair of speakers in storage and four additional amps and preamps also in storage.  

I have a problem.