tweeters /midbass fq zones

OK so a  tweeter does fantasic in the 10K-20k hz range, We all agree, no issues here 

Now lets go to 5k-10khz. again, no issue here, tweeters are fantasic in voicing these fq's.

OK, now lets try 3k-5khz. Not bad,  but again not great.


Lets move on to midbass.

20hz-100 hz, Yeah here is where a  midbass rocks N rolls beautifully.

OK 100hz to 500 hz, Again no problem, All midbass woofers work wonders in this range,. OK now 500hz to say 1500 hz. Not bad, but not great either.

That leaves a  massive gap of 1500hz through the 3500 hz band width that all xover type speakers are struggling to voice, go ahead and crank the vol up to compensate.. Now you have the amp stressing out, and the 2 end fq ranges will be more voiced than the 1500-3500 hz's. 

As you push the vol pot, all you are doing to adding stress to amp and speakers. 

This causes distarotion and coloration.

Low efficiency = in effective,  IOW flawed.

A tweeter was never designed to carry 2k-3500 fq.s, neither a  woofer the 1200-2500hz.

The manufacturers have led you on to believing things that just are not true.

IOW you have been coned into drinking snakeoil. 

The higher you push the vol pot the more stress is now polluting the sound, This is why Troels Gravesen installs so so many xover comonents to attempt to make these  gadgets work like a  high end FR works. 

Won't fly.

Both speakers are only made to voice the 2 extreme end fq/s. The mid hz's can only be voiced by a  speaker that is engineered to voice these fq band width width HIGHER SENSITIVITY.


xover speakers MIGHT SEEM to sound nice, but in real time reality they fail the test next to a  high end FR.

I was convinced my Seas Thors were the worlds best sounding speaker,,, till a cheap FR came along and  knocked the Thors off their stands. Now they are gove, Broke down to parts, sold  some parts, kept the caps for use in tweeters for FR design and cabinets, out for the trash.

Once you've heard a  FR, you will end up following my same path to true high fidelity. 



And back around the FR track we go.   🤣

It's nice to like something and be so enthused. As for my music, I still like the top end and bottom end of it as well, so I suffer with X-overs, like probably 99% of speaker owners do.

My old ML SL3s were at 250 as well if memory serves.


I prefer ESL. My cheap one cross at 250 Hz. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ESL might be a option, Have not heard panel/Stats/ESL. But IMHO the geek back in late 20's Berlin/Chicago got it right at the getgo. Point of this topic (one way conversation) is the evident fact if you guys wish to fantasize your midwoofers can sing above 1khz and your mid tweeters below 3khz, make that 3500 at lowest lreasonable limit. I've got land to sell you in Somalia and also land bordering russia and Ukraine. Your choice AS fantastic as the Seas Thors were w Mundorf $$$$$$$$ caps, can't compete w a high end FR. Duals , + Dual tweeters, a single FR aint enough for my Wagner, Mozart, Puccini operas. But w duals + duals, WOW, Front row seat, ((and we are going LIVE* Schwarzkopf, Nilssojn. Its like both sopranos are singing right there in my room. No speaker, nada, Just as if I were at the 1950's concert. Thors are *speakers*, such as you have in your room right now. Took me some 20++ years to figure this out, they dont call me speaker hound dog for nothing.