Rega planar 8/Apheta : Tiny needle arm collapsing on itself

It took me a good few weeks to finally be able to extract the enormous potential of my new Planar 8 on my system. Today a Hifi news setup LP arrived in the mail in perfect virgin condition and 10 seconds after I played it I heard a silent crack sound followed by an eerie silence. I looked at the Apheta and realized that the tiny arm holding the needle is twisted sideways.
There was no hit, scratch or any violent motion that could explain how it happened. I listen to LPs for almost 40 years and I never had such an experience.
My biggest fear now is that this is not covered by the warranty :-(



The crack sound happened during playback about 10 seconds after the beginning. For 10 seconds I heard good sound from both left and right and then a crack followed by silence.
This is an Apheta 3 that came with my new planar 8 which I'm using for 2 months now.
The LP looks perfect. No scratches. No wobble and no visible defect.
Could there be a possibility that the elongated needle of the Apheta 3 would stick into a too narrow grove and as a result the cantilever got twisted and ruined ?

Not going to help your problem but "tiny arm holding the needle" is the greatest synonym for a cantilever... Ever. Congrats.




Cantilever tie-back wire broke. It is repairable. Rega should cover it under warranty. Send the cartridge back to Rega.

I just played the same Hi-Fi news test LP on a 50$ TT and the same thing happened. The record is a TT killer.

I recall you had an earlier thread started about anti-skate setting. I'm wondering if you've torqued your anti-skate setting so much that when it encounters one of the test LP toruture tracks it's causing this issue? Happening on two separate turntables is very odd. 

And you're positive there are no blemishes on the actual LP?