Sony SCD-777ES vs current Players

I have been using my Sony SCD-777ES SACD Player for 10 years without any problems, it's built like a tank and sounds great to me.

However, I'm looking to buy a new Blu-Ray player and wonder how current universal players compare with my machine in terms of Audio playback of CDs and the occasional SACD.
Also, how do modern stand alone CD players compare with it?
Am I able to improve on the sound quality with a modest outlay?

Thanks for your help.
One other reason I sold my 5400ES is that you cannot program tracks in what order to play. I tape and that to me is a major inconvience
I long own the stock and modified Sony SCD-777ES as well as the 5400ES. On the stock units, the 5400ES won out in a direct comparison, better the 5400ES in every categories. My Modwright SCD-777ES restored the order by bettered the XA5400ES handily.
I was in the same dilemma awhile back....and decided to hold tight...ES players are fairly well regarded...especially older players...unless it konks out...keep it....not missing much at the moment....most of the improvement has been on the computer driven side of audio...downloads, streaming, etc....SACD vs DVD-A was over a decade ago...and Blu-ray is a video driven medium...concerts, etc......