Roger Miller anyone?

Lately I've been "obsessed" with Roger Miller and his music.  I've been playing disc after disc.  I love most of the songs and the recordings, to me, are pretty great.  I'm not sure where this appreciation came from but I'm happy it did.  I searched out a biography of the man, seems he was an original in so many way.

I guess you either love his music or you think its crap.

Me, I love it.

Anyone else share the sentiment?

I'm ready for the critics, so have at it.  


On reading this post, just listened to Roger Miller Roger Miller 74 release on Qobuz. I was pleasantly surprised at the fidelity of the recording. Interesting that the album is 19 minutes and there are 10 songs. Definitely catchy for catchy sake, the way of AM radio for that era. For me, a worthwhile listen, but I am not going to go any deeper into his collection. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Enjoy. 

A fan here for sure, classic.  As a kid growing up in the 60's frequently heard Roger on am radio and tv programs and as I've gotten older I have a real appreciation for him and other similar 60's Nashville sound artists of that era.  Sad that cigs/cancer took him out at 56.

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