The “man” is constantly trying to stick it to us all, right?
There is no such thing as honesty and integrity, right?
(My experience has shown me those who do not trust others are not particularly trustworthy themselves. They think everyone else, thinks like them)
We have zero capability of assessing, evaluating or deciding for ourselves, right?
Only you understand and can see the “truth” that eludes the rest of us sheep, right?
This isn’t ivermectin, there is zero risk here. It’s an audio tweek that comes with a money back guarantee. This is a forum for audiophiles where ideas, methods and products are supposed to be discussed, experiences shared and experimentation done so as to better our listening experience. Guess you are not an audiophile? After getting a perfectly linear amp, with .000000001 THD, SNR of 100000db, plugging your ruler flat speakers into it (with lamp cords obviously) and listening to a cd, there is nothing further to discuss. After achieving those all important numbers, the only thing remaining is to discuss how it looks? Wonder how long it will take before the gazpacho police show up and tell us how the gear should look, too.
The ability to assess and evaluate requires a couple of important parts of the human psyche, such as self confidence, knowing and trusting your own senses, learning how to fully use those senses to evaluate and of course, not throwing all those ideas in the book burning pile before being able to asses. Goodness knows informing oneself is a baaaaaaad idea.
No need to burn them, they come with a money back guarantee.