Wonder if dealer is just saying this beause he assumes that anything added is and artifact that is is uneeded.Like NR filter (I used to use cassettes w/o Dolby myself).But if you look at the parts used in Modwright or Parts Connection Mods the cost multiple that is needed to a part is about four to one.That is if you ad a $10 diode you'd need charge $40 for it in retail.Thus you get a decent value with parts in after market,say with Blackgate Caps, as opposed to the ones that Sony uses because of cost constriants,paying for their retail value and labor.So if they know what they are doing it makes for a better product period.It maybe the dealer is thinking,and thus hearing added elemeants why he assumes pushes unit farther away from "straight wire and gain".But even I question the tube outputs.I just feel that tubes should be sued to change voltage in a pre as opposed to aaded as a filter.I have heard units with Parts Connection work but not Modwright.Haven't done it yet to do it but I'd like to A/B signature truth mods with tube output and without but from modded equipment I have heard I am sure it's better than stock.I think that the dealer might have a point if he were speaking about cost is no object players like a $10K Meridian where they have no contraints on R and D plus parts.Buyt with a $500 to $3K unit from Sony?Bring your unit in and do a blind A/B for him.Nop doubt he'd prefer the Modwright AND think it the more transparent.