Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 


This is not the story.... but i know that you will never inform yourself past this event...

There is many thousand cases in PUBLIC....not one case at the end where Groning was ill and attacked...Picking somethink which is a misinterpreted fact on the net will not disproof the case.... The case exist till today .... If you want to know listen the 4 hours video of testimonies...Nobody can debunbk thousands and thousands of healings...

To awake from your sleep try the fire yogi the video is short and debunk it....



My new company will be selling audio NFTs, starting today.  They work, they really work. They'll make your system sound like it has never sounded before. Place your order now, before they sell out (and they surely will).  Don't miss out!

@fatdaddy2 My new company will be selling audio NFTs, starting today.  They work, they really work. They'll make your system sound like it has never sounded before. Place your order now, before they sell out (and they surely will).  Don't miss out!

I've had to block the phone numbers of actual NFT brokers who run a similar spiel past me.   They can talk!!  And talk!  The words "no, I'm not interested, goodbye" must be in another frequency to their hearing range.