Buying refurbished gear....

Welcome comments by those of you who have chosen this path. Also , anyone that has dealt with  Accessories4less please chime in . They seem to have some good prices. TIA


I have bought “refurbished gear” off and on for decades. Never high end audio gear, usually photography, HT, astronomy… stuff that matters less to me. Most of the time it appears new… perhaps some way of discounting and getting around manufacturers rules. But every once in a while I got a stinker… banged up or didn’t work… then the fight was on to get my money back. That one out of 5 or 10 was a pain in the butt. So, if it important to me… and the money is enough that I can’t just write it off. I buy new.

my understanding is that most refurbished gear from reputable merchants is new stuff which was returned either because the buyer changed his mind or couldn't figure out how to operate. my experiences with a4less have all been positive, tho i've noticed that their prices, while still vg, have crept up a bit on their best gear.