MSB DAC's Popularity

Hello All,

I would appreciate some insight on the above. I'm in the market for a DAC with volume control and am exploring the Discrete or Premier. I question the lack of reviews and even dialog on AGon? The limited reviews that appear portray stellar performers; however, not many exist on the used market. Are they so good that no one sells? Or, is the price/performance not commensurate and nobody buys? I do love the future-proofing built into their designs! Could you please share your experiences with those who own or have auditioned? I'm looking for an end-game product, if that is even possible in digital. 



Typically I start from professionally reviewed and rated components: Stereophile or The Absolute sound. Particularly when you are looking at expensive equipment. These reviewers generally have heard the very best and lessor units so they can place it in the context of sound type and price. They also use standard high end audio terminology. Unless someone on the forum takes the time to present his experience, biases and associated equipment you are very unlikely to get really useful input like that here. As additional info, when you already know a lot, or for general guidance this forum is great.


There are no professional reviews I could find in these units. To me that is a huge red flag. Seldom does the technology used make a huge difference except in budget equipment… in high end equipment it is all about implementation and the blend of components and overall design.



generally Agon is the domain of the  $2k -$5k DAC of the month club…just look BACk over time and you will catch the wave…. MSB has been and most likely be a significant player for the long term… I auditioned an MSB Analog w Powerbase against a Aesthetix Pandora - Signature, both DACs ya don’t hear much about…here…but are in great systems worldwide…..add Lampizator and a few others….

Fun, enjoy the music…..

and the Brinkmann Nyquist II…..from a German genius..who makes one of the top turntables….in the world….

I auditioned a MSB Premier and Berkeley Reference 3 in a dealers show room. Unfortunately I was not able to complete the audition due to dealer technical difficulties. During the demo it was apparent that both are comparable high quality DACs. The demo did not last long enough to quantify the DAC differences other than they both sounded excellent. You cant go wrong with either one. In the end I purchased the Berkeley reference 3.