The Best Preamp is no Preamp?

So recently I've discovered the possibility of completely removing my preamp from my rig. I've never heard or considered this before, so much audio tradition... But in going directly from DAC to amplifier the sound quality is absolutely incredible, instantly had me grinning. Using music server to Chord M Scaler to Chord Qutest (cut out Marantz SR5015) to go directly to dual Emotiva XPA-DR1 monoblocks, to GR Research's 24 strand speaker wire to Magnepan 1.7i's.  Only difference is running volume on server vs Marantz remote, sound quality is the biggest jump I've ever heard with any gear.

Have you guys had experience cutting out the preamp from your rig? What's your thoughts?


There are a lot of debats on this but I just share my experience.  Shorter signal path is better. I am running straight from Dac (as Dac mode) to PA and the system sounds really well.  I maximize the volume on the source and adjust the volume on PA to reach the listening level.  I also found playing CD/SACD player straight into PA is better than going through Dac, even though the internal Dac inside the player is lesser than the external Dac I had.

The best preamp is no preamp only until you hear high quality active preamp


While I don't disagree that active preamps can be very good, I think if a high quality passive doesn't beat it, your system is what's at fault. I have owned many "higher end" active preamps from CJ, ARC, deHavilland, Art Audio, Lamm, Audible Illusions, Cary, BAT, and the list goes on. But a TVC or LDR beat every one of them.

I think I have a good example of when a passive pre works.  100 dB speakers  PASS XA25 with 20dB of gain.  1.25V will run the amp at full power.  The lowest active preamp I could find was 5dB.  Even now with this passive setup at times I only need to turn it up to say 10AM.  An active will change the sound I know.  Are there active solutions for my setup?  I don't really want to mess with tube amps.  Tube preamps would sound OK but too much gain might make my volume very sensative?  I think.

@daledeee1 A lot depends on what type of passive you are using. All are not created equal.


I just looked at your system. You are doing yourself a huge disservice if you don't at least listen to a couple of good tube amps on those speakers. I owned them in the past so I know of what I speak.



fully agreed: twenty years ago I replaced a Graaf 13.5B with a simple Modsquad passive feeding a Graff GM20. The phono stage was a Zyx Artisan and digital was a then state of the art dac. Ever since I have gone either passive or direct from the DAC.If the source has sufficient voltage at adequate impedance additional pre circuitry is simply detrimental.