I am really disappointed with the hip-hop enthusiasts on Audiogon

The grandfather of hip-hop music dies and not a word about it on here!


And how is hip hop/rap considered to be music in any way shape or form? Discerning minds would like to know. Can't say I even own one hip hop/rap record....I must be missing out....as far as who died, was he shot, stabbed, natural causes? Not that I care that much. 

@audioguy85 - you realize you jumped into a thread where the most recent post was almost 5 years old, don't you? 

And yeah, hip-hop/rap is every bit as much 'music' in every way, shape, or form as anything that you might prefer.

Too many people think "I don't like it/I can't relate to it, so it can't be any good!", but I'm sure you're not like that. 

Post removed 

I would get some Ohm Walsh 3000's. The bigger Ohms would better fill your large room with their omni sound.

I have a pair of 2000's for a much smaller room, 15x13, and they do a great job. I love how they fill the room with soundstage and you need not be seated in a sweet spot. This is a huge advantage. I have a pair of Magnepan LRS in a smaller room, love them, but not as 360 as the Ohm Walsh's for sure. Good luck!