Cd's released up to 95' not remastered - DAC?

Is there any hope for these CD's? I have many great bands I'd like to listen to but unless I find vinyl I can't tolerate it.. not to mention I have some of this media and would like to protect my investment.. not to mention they are cheap to buy used..

I just upgraded my Onix XCD-88 OpAmps and it was a wonderful upgrade.. but short of canning that player and spending $2k min. on a new player I am about out of ideas.. While my Onix has digital outs I would not be adverse to using a PC to send to a DAC if that is an option.. but I dont want to waste my time and money..

I am sorry of this was covered.. I just spent 3 hours scouring forums and while there is tons of DAC info I did not find a thread that addressed this directly.

Inevitibly someone will ask so:

Onix XCD-88 Op amp mod
Harmon Kardon 825 and Eico HF85 Preamps
Threshold 400a amplifier (and another on the way)
Vandersteen 2ce biwired with RCA 12 gauge (scouring for a wire upgrade)
B&O beogram RX MMC3 cartridge
You must listen to different bands to me.

I'm looking for non-remastered CDs. Those originally made in Japan and Germany before the US plant came on line (1982-1983) were pretty good (although levels are low, which is easy to remedy). I also like early US CDs (up to 1988 or so), and international CDs up to 1992 or so.

IMO a bad CD is worthless since you can probably get the vinyl version on the cheap and it will sound so much better. I have a musical fidelity A5 CDP that sounds phenomenal on well recorded material but still can't make up all the distance for a horrible CD. You had it right in the original post - find the vinyl.