High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


My Q45-T is arriving tomorrow (Wednesday). Although likely I won’t have any time to deal with the applications until the weekend

Applied my Q45 today: XLR's, IEC inlets, all 6 Wilson speaker connections, Fideliums.

Organic. Added 5% to 10% more to the sound from the start. It definitely has granules of something (magnets?) in it as nasaman mentioned.

It certainly did not degrade the sound. A couple more days and I'll be able to better define what I hear.


Thanks for the report keeps us posted- mine should arrive today.

Got mine late yesterday. Decided to begin with the incoming. Did 5 power cables, 1 wall wart, and 3 MC-05’s. Sounds very nice to start albeit a little reserved dynamically.