Speaker static/hiss?

I’m noticing a static/hissing sound from my speakers on all inputs and when the volume is all the way down. You really have to put your ears right up on the tweeter to even hear it. It’s not noticeable at all when the volume is tuned up just about 5-10%.


But I’d like to see if this is something I can rid myself of. 

‘’I’ve got two dedicated 20amp outlets with two Audioquest 20amp outlets. All of the source gear is plugged into a Furman SPR-20.

Not sure what else I could do.  


I thought about the gain knob. I’ll give it a shot. 

any recommendations for the setting to get it right?

It's just circuit noise. Try the gain controls and whole you're at it, try the ground lift switch. Give it 5 mins to let it settle.

… try the ground lift switch. Give it 5 mins to let it settle.

Hiss is not solved with a ground.

You need to

  1. Use a lower noise amp, or
  2. Avoid being on all fours with the ear up to the speaker.

I would choose #2.

It’s caused by suboptimal gain structure. You have way too much active gain after the volume control (this means your combined preamp and amplifier circuitry - which generates higher noise floor per extra dB of gain even if signal-to-noise remains the same), relative to your needs determined by listening level and speaker sensitivity.

I have this situation myself, with very sensitive 96dB / 2.83V Tannoys. I easily notice the signal-to-noise ratio differences between preamps. I need to keep the preamp gain below 14dB, and even at that level the preamp’s signal-to-noise ratio has to be VERY high to avoid an audible "hisssssss" at volume = 0. The ARC Reference 6 has a stellar signal-to-noise. VAC Master also excellent. Some other preamps...are not so great.

Often inserting signal attenuators (e.g. Harrison Labs) to the tube of ~ 10dB is recommended to push the noise floor down while utilizing more gain from your circuitry. However, if you have the Parasound amps, as @russ69 mentioned - turning down the gain pots should be the best solution here.