Thinking of taking the plunge.

Thinking of going into streaming. Any advice on equipment between 1 and 2000.00.


I agree Bluesound Node is the best bang for the buck. Simple, overall great app, Roon endpoint. The newest Node’s onboard DAC is better than the 2i’s was. You will get a bit better performance from Node running coax out to a DAC, but overall for the $ and ease of use, the Node is hard to beat.

Adasdad, the OP already said:

"I have a Wadia 26 DAC, no USB port. It is older technology but still sounds good fed by a transport. 2000.00 all in is the most I can afford"

I have to agree with the Bluesound recommendations. 

Good sound quality, stable and intuitive app and good, quick resale if you get the bug for an upgrade. An upgrade might get you slightly better sound but chances are it won't give you as good a UI or software.

You have a nice DAC, so you can use the Bluesound DAC or compare it to your present DAC...and go with whatever sounds best.

If you start with an iPad, use the digital out and go into Settings to select hi res.

‘The iFi zen streamer has a lot of fans and costs less than Bluesound.

Also agree with bluesound node. I got one and was surprised at how good it sounded. The interface is amazing. My wife uses it sometimes and enjoys it. I later added a Schiit Ygdrassil and that really opened it up. You already have a nice external DAC so you'll be in a good place I'd imagine.