Are you pairing Tube Preamp/Line Stage with Class D Power Amp?

If yes, what have you liked? I'm curious about other Class D amps now that I found one I like. I have a Marantz Ruby integrated. I put it in Power Amp mode and plopped a wonderful Doge Audio Clarity Preamp in front of it.  

The tube pre really opened up the soundstage further--great combo.  

I'm wondering about moving the Ruby to a second system and finding a different Class D or SS amp.  

PS There was a similar thread from 2019 but it only registered a handful of responses.  Maybe more folks have come around to Class D and have played with putting tubes in front of one. 


Nice preamp! Obviously AGD should be on your list along with Ralph’s new amp and maybe even LSA if that’s more in your budget. I will say I heard Joseph Audio Pulsars at a show powered by Bel Canto mono block amps, which honestly shocked me, and I was really impressed with the level of clean detail and musicality — changed my impressions of Class D amps completely.

So, Ralph, since we’ve got you here I gotta ask, how would you compare the sound of your new amp versus your OTL amps?  I have to believe there are similarities or you probably wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of building a GaN amp of your own, but I also imagine that at least some of that “tube magic” must be lost, no?  Love to hear your thoughts!

Yes Audio Research sp16 to Bel Canto ref1000m monoblocks. Love the pairing. May be trying something new soon. Always looking to downsize. . See here:


I run a modded class D LSA Voyager amp fed by the Sachs tube preamp.  Sublime sound.....

I’m running a Belles 22a pre into a Cherryamp 2Cherry… nothing but praise here.