Tube Amp for Klipsch Forte IV's? Black Ice F-22 or Willsenton R8 with upgraded tubes?

I can get the Black Ice for around 2700.00 CAD and the Willsenton for 2000.00 CAD

The Willsenton would include three upgraded Psvane pre amp tubes (the other two are stock) and four upgraded powertubes, Psvane PH's

F22 shows 50w per channel, Wilsenton 40w ultra liner and 25w triode

I may also pair the amp with a Sonus Faber Lumina V also which is 50w recommended min

thanks in advance for any input



I tried contacting Decware last year ,  two attempts to contact by phone , 3 emails and no response.....I went to Decwares Forum and simply asked if there was something wrong with their phones..... was immediately trashed by the Cult of Decweenies for asking....  

In Steve's defense he did chime in when he saw my post and seemed sincere in helping but it was too late.    I went with something else.    My wait will be 8 to 10 months but thats not even the point.... answer my call and you'll probably get the sale......

I ended up with Heresy IV's instead of the Forte's, got a killer deal too hard to pass up, Black Ice has been ordered, Sonus are on the way

in the meantime using on old Luxman R113 which seems to match ridiculously well,

so much so at it's $150 Canadian used purchase price that it has me seriously re-thinking why I just paid 3k for a tube amp





I think you will like the Black Ice. It’s basically a Jolida (I think) with some minor changes. Could be wrong. My Jolida 302CRC is one fine sounding amp. If I could get the sound of this amp exactly as it is with triple the wattage I would look for nothing else! Power won’t be a hinderence for your Heresy’s.