Decisive moments your your audio journey

Have you had any truly decisive moments in your time in this hobby? 

I would have to point back to the first time I ever heard Magnepans, it was a “whoa what was that moment?” moment. That was in the 1980’s. It was the first time I ever truly heard reproduced music that got the midrange right, without it being squished 


1965, I was 4. Big truck arrived. Parents didn’t have $ for furniture, HiFi took priority. Dual 1019, Shure, MC MX-110Z, MC240, Bozak B-305 ( half a concert grand. in cherry cabinets )…

Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra…

I still have the 110 and 240

some other revelatory moments along the way…

1978 first time and phase Theil.

1978 first low TIM SS amolifier - Audionics of Oregon CC2

1978 first EMIT tweeter

1980 first wood body Grado

1983 first Chicago CES

1983 CJ Premier

1983 SOTA Sapphire

…… many more since…..


When I got my first pair of MAGICO speakers and my TW ACUSTIC AC3 turntable with TW 10.5 tonearm.

I will admit The Who in Chicago..1969? Chased that sound for a couple decades.

Go to your doctor and have them clean your ears.  Especially, if your an older person.  I thought mine were clean.  Nope, not even close.  My stereo sounds the best it has in a long time.