Decisive moments your your audio journey

Have you had any truly decisive moments in your time in this hobby? 

I would have to point back to the first time I ever heard Magnepans, it was a “whoa what was that moment?” moment. That was in the 1980’s. It was the first time I ever truly heard reproduced music that got the midrange right, without it being squished 


some other revelatory moments along the way…

1978 first time and phase Theil.

1978 first low TIM SS amolifier - Audionics of Oregon CC2

1978 first EMIT tweeter

1980 first wood body Grado

1983 first Chicago CES

1983 CJ Premier

1983 SOTA Sapphire

…… many more since…..


When I got my first pair of MAGICO speakers and my TW ACUSTIC AC3 turntable with TW 10.5 tonearm.

I will admit The Who in Chicago..1969? Chased that sound for a couple decades.

Go to your doctor and have them clean your ears.  Especially, if your an older person.  I thought mine were clean.  Nope, not even close.  My stereo sounds the best it has in a long time.

In 1973 I heard the Bose 901s...and was ready to buy.....of cause I got a almost new pair with stands and custom made lower based for $350 bucks.....SOLD.