Protecting Equipment from Children

My grandchildren are visiting this weekend.  They love buttons, knobs and remote controls.  Is there a good way to protect my equipment from destructive little hands?


Great topic!!! Six grandkids, only one is a boy all under the age of 6…..the boy is the trouble! I literally unhook the speakers and put them away lol! Good luck

Depends on the kids.  If they are open to listen and understand, then explain to them this is your "toy" and it's very easy to break and cost lots of $ to fix so please don't touch.  Or, you can have them "safely" touch buttons and stuff "under your close supervision" until the mystique/curiosity wears off and they are no longer interested.  Maybe tell them not to touch unless you are around and they ask permission with close supervision.   

I bought each grandchild his own integrated amp, turntable, and speakers!

it worked - they love music

one plays trumpet and the other cello!



I think the question is how to protect your grandchildren from your equipment…

Having, with spouses' total 'buy-in', to Not 'do kids' (or grand versions), only the pets of our choice to cope with.  Since one doesn't have answer "Why?" incessantly, simply train said pet to leave 'This' Alone.

I will agree with @oldhvymec ....They Are Demons.  Even as an 'outlier' from the main path, nay, airstrip-length Width of Super Slab Asphalt to the Breeding Zone.
The jewels of your heart, away from your 'copter 'supervision'....

*clenched teeth delivery* "If you don't stop wanting to play neurosurgeon with the dog with that steak knife Immediately.....I'm going to take your Playstation and run over it with the car...."

....can let the extremist side of childhood run rampant.
If left unsupervised, by a non-extant 'park person' (and, esp. You)....

Wanton Small Buzz Saws...a.k.a., Demons.

I'm not complaining, no.
...happy that they're allowed to 'be'....Yes. *S* ;)