Protecting Equipment from Children

My grandchildren are visiting this weekend.  They love buttons, knobs and remote controls.  Is there a good way to protect my equipment from destructive little hands?


Agreed wholeheartedly on the 'good/bad', taught vs. left to devices, deviant or not so much....*g*  Personally, the only 'gram' I got to meet lived 1.2K mi. away and only spoke bohemian....but by tenor and body language a sweet no-nonsense kinda gal.... ;)

Admitted, a larger over-the-fringe 'absurdvation' in previous post,  I'm pulling leg, but have an observation POV that is unique.  I build 'fun things' for children, and enough said.  But it's been an education in the way one can challenge a child on a physical and mental level that can't be accomplished in the average home without the destruction of most of your furniture.

If I was to 'spoof' your audio collection, I would weld Everything. ;)

Happy Friday....and is your neighbor basically 'tame' normally....(whatever 'normal' state applies, of course.... ;)...) ?

...and there's a joke about chewing tobacco that involves 3 infants.....*s*

@jerrybj wow! So instead of teaching the munchkin some lessons of discipline, or taking a few very simple steps to possibly protect your system, you just binned it? That seems excessive to give up something you love to that degree rather than come up with a compromised solution. Wow.


Really? Wow. You are going to be so judgemental? How arrogant of you. You know nothing about me.

@geof3 Spot on! "Constant surveillance", "firm NO".


Worked for me, with two boys, up to a point: during a house move (we'd been there 16 years) we packed up my B&W 801M2s. As one of the speakers was wrapped up by the movers, a Titleist DT golf ball rolled out of the port. It had neither improved nor worsened the bass response. Its presence was inaudible which says something about the Matrix structure. Nobody knows how long it had been in there, I reckon at least 10 years...  😄