Transport Question

Now have the new Rotel CD player using as a transport into a Bryston bda-3

The bryston make a big difference.

Time for a good stand alone transport. Looking at the SIm moon 260d.

Would that be a decent upgrade for the rotel?



They either can't hear it or they can't afford it, which is all they need to decry it.

Most here I think would know how critically important mechanical vibration and quality isolation is to the sound quality of audio gear.

Just this aspect alone should show that all related equipment including transports will vary in sound reproduction.


"the sensory denial politburo tends to prey on the naive"

Unfortunately, yes. Perhaps we can say "inexperienced", given that "naive" can have a pejorative connotation ? 

They hold little sway over those who've already experienced reality for themselves.


"Most here I think would know how critically important mechanical vibration and quality isolation is to the sound quality of audio gear."

Yes. And, those whose open-ended questions suggest naivete/inexperience are less likely to have experienced this for themselves and so, are most vulnerable to the disinformation promulgated by the "___ (insert components) all sound the same"  brigade. 




Correction please!

"I know many individuals with a trained ear and quality equipment WHO THINK they can hear the difference."

A 50c computer disc transport has a read error rate of 1-2 bits per million.  You ain't gonna hear that.  Spend no more.  Concentrate on trying to solve the insoluble conceptual problems with digital sound: jitter, clock error, clock integration between player and DAC.  If you can.


Thanks @jasonbourne52.   You sure got your feet on the ground.