Anyone using a LAN isolator?

For those running an Ethernet cable to their streaming solution, whether Raspberry pi, nuc, streamer, etc, anyone using a LAN isolator? If so, what are the benefits and which one are you using? 



You're like me with additions (if they come in at the same time). Can be hard to know what effect each individual item has.

When I get my system running again I will be evaluating; new streamer, ethernet cables, modded network switch, linear power supplies, DC cables, fuses, recapped amp, footers, and grounding box. Which piece makes which difference? Hmm...


I took your suggestion and now have an Acoustic Revive RL1-1GB-Triple C Lan Isolator connected to my ethernet cable which itself (the Acoustic Revive) is connected my Auralic Aries G1. I have listened less than 2 hours so far, and everything I've heard sounds quite nice. I won't say it's a night and day difference- because it's not, and I'm not yet at a point where I can adequately describe what I am hearing, but so far it's thumbs up- 


I'm looking at one of those Acoustic Revive RL1-1GB-Triple C Lan Isolators.

Interested in your impressions, as they develop.



Early impressions- all positive- rounder tone but with no loss of details. I can only surmise that although I did not perceive any noise in my system, the RL1-iGB-Triple C must suppress whatever noise there was which overlayed the music itself. 

For  a resolving system the Acoustic Revive LAN Isolator is well worth it. 


Glad to hear you liked the improvements by RLI-1GB-TripleC isolator. Strange as it seems, these devices do enhances our listening pleasure. To what extent or degree; that greatly depends on rest of your system. BTW, your system is a very nice blend of vintage and modern components.