"Aren’t you late for that book burning, would hate for you to miss it…"
And that's what this is all about. In a nutshell.
+ 1 million.
Audio nonsense
In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell?
I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt.
...applies to too much of human experience, stitched into the DNA , and never fails to ruin get-togethers' of all sorts... Tempests' in teapots are happening everywhere all the time; all one needs to do is turn down the heat of the stove. ...and then the mind that interprets the neural energy from the ears, annnnd that whole ball of mush coughs a response.... "Sounds' good, But...." To wit: "It's a wonder we can feed ourselves...." ( Thanks, Bob...) The only day I expect that we will finally agree upon One Given Thing... ...is the day the comet is just about to cash the planetary ticket. "We're all righteously screwed!" Yup. Now....about that Black Sabbath LP.... |
@pesky_wabbit oh man! A little deep in the thread, but I LOVED my portable Sony Minidisc. Still have it as a matter of fact! Great little unit, excellent sound as well! It’s one of those dinosaur era gadgets that will be in my keepsakes as long as I exist. Now, I just may go break that thing out and try it with some REAL headphones! Regarding the post as a whole, I think there are a ton of products out there that are pure money grabs. It just is what it is. |
Subscribing to known and accepted maths and physics that have accumulated over the history of human thought is not a belief system. While this goes back millennia, I do note that it was as recently as 976 AD that the concept of zero was used by a Persian chap, and Fibonnaci introduced this zero thing to Europe in 1202. Any observation ("stunning") relying on an incorrect assertion that this is a belief system is irrelevant. Something called the Renaissance happened. Incremental advancements are happening continuously. For example, engineers are working on Class D technology that is far superior than just a few years ago - and Class D has been around for well over half a century (I'm happy to be corrected on that, guessing a bit).. It is known by diligent and humble engineers that further advancements will continue to be made - possibly not quite sure what they will be, but that’s pretty exciting, innit? Measurement technology and a knowledge of relevant metrics has advanced substantially, and will probably continue to do so.
Uh huh.