Thank you for bringing some important considerations. As it is a quite Sunday morning with some time to devote to this thread I would offer some thoughts.
We have a unique market here. It is a classic Tribal market, a group of people with only one cultural commonality, that of higher performance music reproduction and its associated hardware, beliefs, and mythology. I
In many ways it has the fundamental attributes of a religion- that is passion - the the energy and conviction of personal faith along with dashing of pseudo science or engineering to reinforce the righteousness of those convictions.
None of this is either good or bad, it just is one of the ways we express our human nature and burn through the roughly 700,000 hours of our existence. It is not my intent to be brutal of offensive, I am a cultural anthropologist in this matter, an observation and associated description, a micro ethnology if you please. I am too a participant in the technology, have been for 66 years, and enjoying this resurgence of the market segment.
The number of participants is very small and not generally responsive to the principles of the internet's strong point, that of mass marketing. In our segment the sample size is so small that the statistical accuracy and insight of the 'metrics' are in themselves 'leaps of faith'.
So insight into the affectations of internet are better served by fostered less traditional means.
Your remark about people not knowing what gets their attention is I believe quite accurate.
I have strong faith in the human mind having seen many, many people have profound insights when some one finally just simply asks them a question and then shuts up and stands back to listen. Thus is the progenitor of the question I asked in the Audiogon entry it put forth last week.
To one schooled in the internet that may appear to be a quite naive action, to one school in human nature it appears as an obvious and honest action.
Thus my questions - what do you like an audio website, what stops your 'mousing' and causes you to want to learn more? What have and where have you such an event happen to you.
Thank you
Barry Thornton