50 hours on Monitor Gold 200's enough?

For anyone with Monitor audio experience what amount of improvement

is likely to happen with more time? + 10% or ??

Thank you


200 hours ay.. Put them face to face blanket them up, 25-50% with a SS amp go to work. :-) You notice a lot bigger change that way and they break in a lot quicker.

Teflon caps in XO I've left under blankets 24/10 at least 15 times. Horrible to brake in, BUT wonderful to listen to. :-)


I had the Monitor Gold 200 before i went to a YG. They liked Naim Gear the best and I really liked mine. Theyneeded about 500 hours to really break in. 

I had gold 50’s and loved them!  I thought they sounded great right out of the box but they did get even better after a few hundred hours.

I had 2 sets of identical Monitor Audio Golds. 1 set I used daily for over a year and the 2nd set was fresh out of the carton. Side-by-side, myself nor anyone in the room with me could tell a difference in performance between the two sets.  Just my experience. 

listen to music rather than your speakers.   You're not evaluating you're enjoying.