Adding a Herron VTSP 3A/360 Preamplifier to the system.

The new (new to me) Herron Audio VTSP 3A/360 Preamp will arrive Friday the fifth. Very much looking forward to it's arrival.

Beautifully built, and should sound that way as well.

Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan

@vinylvalet - thanks for letting me know about that recent interview with Keith - I MUST check that out!!!! Love my 360/Ref! 

Gentlemen, suddenly both channels have become noisy on the Herron Line Stage. I  I had one tube that became noisy, so I bought a new set, and it sounded just great for a few days.

Now, both channels are making a kind of scratchy sound (it can be heard if soft music is playing).

I have contacted Keith, hopefully I'll hear back from him soon. Nothing else in my system is having any issues.

Thanks and regards,


I have owned & enjoyed successive generation Herron Preamps - I started with the VTSP 3a Ro1, then the Ro3, and now the 360/ESP ......I have actually been lucky enough to have the Ro1 & Ro3 simultaneously and was able to do an AB comparison, and later an Ro3 & 360-ESP as well...cant say enough nice things about them. I saw a bigger difference between the Ro3 and ESP than the Ro1 vs Ro3.

I can’t wait to get the REF upgrade.

BTW I enjoyed the youtube interview a lot! He is able to bridge the science and art of electrical engineering and a pair of good ears for the enjoyment of music.

I wonder if Herron will be represented at Axpona this year...looking forward to it.

@islandmandan Surprised you got no reply to your noise issue. It does sound like a noisy tube. Did you get it sorted?