Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 


There are a lot of phonies here, that is for sure. Fauci, ain’t one of them

Would appear that the naysayers are engaged in hypocrisy. A lot of that floating about in the world lately… They only think their systems sound good because they have a chart in front of them telling them so. That chart predisposes them to accept what they are hearing as being the ultimate sonic presentation. As such, they refuse to accept anything else as good. 

Oh God!

Had to drag the good Doctor Troll into this eh.

Shame on both of you he is the Troll in The Three Billy Goat Gruff.

@artemus_5 do not get bent I agree with you.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff - Dual Language Children's Books. Fun Bilingual  Folktales support culturally responsive teaching.


Shame on both of you he is the Troll in The Three Billy Goat Gruff.

@artemus_5 do not get bent I agree with you.

You have a strange way of agreeing with someone. Do you often agree with shameful people? I’m reminded of a politician who talks out of both sides of his mouth. Quit trying to play both sides. It is the very reason I take anything you say with a grain of salt.

Now to the charge of my shameful act. I say NO. The shame is properly placed on the ones who act like the so called troll. I’m not acting like the troll. I’m exposing the underlying thought processes of these trolls, with Him being a prime example.

FWIW I have no problem "burying the hatchet". But this is not something which helps.

@artemus_5 fine what ever. You drug the Troll into it and you should have kept it on track.

The shame on you both was for going that direction. Guess you are just an old crab.

Really could care less about burying any hatchet. You are what you are Mr Crabs.

Have a good day sir.


Really could care less about burying any hatchet....Have a good day sir.

Like I said, BOTH sides of your mouth. Oh yeah, You really wish me  a good day? That is laughable. I suppose you are also what you are....a poser. Maybe you'll go cry on mommy's shoulder again for hurting your little soy boy feelings. I've tried to offer peace & dialog 2 times. I will not do so again.