Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 


@artemus_5 fine what ever. You drug the Troll into it and you should have kept it on track.

The shame on you both was for going that direction. Guess you are just an old crab.

Really could care less about burying any hatchet. You are what you are Mr Crabs.

Have a good day sir.


Really could care less about burying any hatchet....Have a good day sir.

Like I said, BOTH sides of your mouth. Oh yeah, You really wish me  a good day? That is laughable. I suppose you are also what you are....a poser. Maybe you'll go cry on mommy's shoulder again for hurting your little soy boy feelings. I've tried to offer peace & dialog 2 times. I will not do so again.

Just grow up.

You missed the point like I imagine you miss a lot of things.

Such a crab.

Do not care and bye!

Also I eat beef and never did cry to Mommy as you claim.

Only poser here is you posing as a human.

Post removed 

This thread is an excellent example of ALL 10 cognitive errors nicely listed here:

 There is no logical reason to argue somebody's private decision of purchasing audio solution, observing positive/negative results in THEIR system, and deciding to keep/sell them in spite of very expensive ticket prices, even if that improvement does not work in another system. To illustrate my point I would propose an equivalent question: Can you deny the existence of the placebo/nocebo effects because it never happened to you? Not to mention that even if you believe in them, you can never really claim it without a double-blind case study.

I didn't believe cabling impact on the audio path at first (a long time ago) and experience it everyday now, especially when some can be detected only on specific tracks. 

Let's please have some respect for other people. Arguing audio as it would be a political ideology completely disregarding rights to the individual rights/opinions is very 2022 but, simply, also very ignorant.