Berkeley CA audiophile is desperate need of help

Hello. My digital system has crashed for the second time

in 6 months. I have been in touch with my DAC 

and server companies. What I really need to do

is connect my Innuous server to another DAC or another

DAC to my server. I contacted 2 local brick and morter 

shops in the hopes that I could bring in my server to rule our

a problem with it. An Innuous dealer said no. Is there any 

one near by who could give me a hand. Might I come to you

with my DAC and hook it up, or might you come to me

with server and or DAC? I am happy to compensate 

for one's time. I am a 'senior ' female with much 

positive reviews here and on the other website.

Did I say that I was Desperate with a capital D?


It is hard to suggest fixed without knowing all the facts.  However one approach to server and audio electronic crashing occasionally is to be proactive - simply turn them off and on once month making sure they actually restart and not just go to sleep.  Essentially you want to reboot them.

I have a practically new schiit bifrost II you can borrow if you pay shipping.  --Jerry

@jgoldrick ,

Good advice. I power off my Innuos after listening ( power is expensive on Long Island).

@bander ,

Did you contact Innuos?

Also, have you checked your Ethernet connection. I have had a couple of issues when bandwidth wasn't large enough and Innuos just stopped working until it could  catch up.

PM me, maybe I can see if I can fix it. 

Otherwise, what equipment are you using? How are you connected to the Internet?



@bander, The strange thing is the crashing issue has only occurred TWICE in the last 6 months. Is it possible the stored album being played or the streaming album caused the server to stop working?   

What stored album was being played or steamed when the server crashed (stopped working)?   Could this be a software issue?  This might help identify the issue.  

The Internet connection questions asked by @gdnrbob above also need to be answered.   Please keep us posted

@bander : contact Innuos directly

I believe they support their products even if not original purchaser if still in warranty. If they cannot fix it via email instructions, they will do a remote session log in and help you. Meaning they will connect remotely to a computer in your network, and access Innuos in the same network from that computer