What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers

What do you guys think of B&W speakers. Specifically, the 800 series diamond line. What are their strengths and weakness? I know I will get quite a few different opinions on this subject. If you had 8 to 10k to spend on a pair of towers, what would you choose? I prefer to buy new so, for the sake of this discussion to new retail products only and stay away from used. I have listened to the B&W 804 diamond quite a bit. I don't have any high end dealers near me but, I can make a drive to audition some brands within an hours drive. What should I sit down to listen to in this price range?
1. Everyone's got an opinion. Yours is the one that matters most. Now that this caveat is out of the way...

2. If you've heard 804s and are still asking about 800 Diamond line, you've probably already decided you liked what you heard...good start.

3. Some observations about 800s. They need a lot of high current to really have the full runway to play music for you. High quality, high power, high current.

4. They come from a background of studio monitors...the treble can be quite precise, and one is not careful...might be a bit sharp...due to co-ownership?, Classe and B&W are often linked together. I have heard the match, and it is a good one.

5. Bass on the bigger B&Ws (800, 801, 802) take a lot of energy to snap properly...one of the first things to go if you have a weak amp is flabby bass...this speaker more than most.

Value for money...a big plus here. You get a lot of speaker here for the money...particularly in this day and age of rising audio prices for the new new thing.

For that kind of money, i would look at Quad 2905...but it wont have nearly the dynamic power/muscle, the SF Extremas or Guarneris...paired with a sub...very different from B&W...you'll get the magic midrange of SF plus big bass power. But the 800 will provide a very solid upper bass/lower midrange presentation that will be tough to beat with a smaller monitor/sub.

One man's opinion. Good luck and enjoy.
I find them too dry to my taste but everyone's taste is different. You really should go by your own audition rather than others' taste.