Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good

It rarely happens to me, but in a pile of records I bought over the summer I

found one with no cover. Shocking Blue’s 2nd album. 'At Home' (I’m your Venus is on it).

Even most Beatles albums have at least one song I could pass on, but not this one. Horrible fidelity, scratched to hell, but damn...

So I’d love to hear of other records that you all could suggest.



When it comes to Live albums - Strangers In The Night - UFO

For me every song was 'on it' and is considered by many as one of the best live 'Rock Albums'  The band had quite few lead guitarists but on this Album it was MIchael Schenker and he was positively 'smoking'...!  His abrupt solo ending in the song 'Love to Love' was one of the finest I heard in live 'Rock' and he was awesome in songs 'Rock Bottom' 'Lights Out'  The vocals, piano and rest of the band had such a great synergy and gave such a hundred and ten percent performance ....

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Music is so subjective and perfect albums are very arguably not perfect. This is like a desert island disc list.  To my taste and liking I can suggest 3 that I don't think have been mentioned...

REM- Document

U2- War

Replacements - Tim