I think that Alexander the Great did a better job to give peace to the world and education than US after world war 2...Think about the last 70 years of Us politic... 😁😊 Who was the victor after 1990 and what this victor made of his victory? Insane wars with insane politic...
For the generation problem i think that hilde is right...
We the booming generation are the one who created this world today not the young .... And the only whining people are old people saying that they were better than the younger one today not seeing the mess we created ouselves by being passive consumers at the expanse of the world itself...
Who created this world around us? Each one of us in the rich countries participate the older we are the more we are responsible...
Today’s generation, and I include you in that category, only whines that they’re not being spoonfed to their liking, and we are just beginning to see the results of that attitude in music and life in general. Keep whining and see what keeps happening
And accusing some generation of a problem which comes more from an inherited systematic totalitarian order globally imposed are childish observations anyway....
A clue: read about Rockfeller foundations education politic and medical politic HUGE impact to understand something, and quit blaming the young....