"General thoughts" on a speaker would assume the speaker is being used with equipment of similar quality. I did not mention room or cables.
So from your comment ( missioncoonery- "Personally I wouldnt take em if free...") we are to deduce you think they are bad. But some of the finest recording studios on the planet would disagree. So now who do we believe? Your opinion or the opinion of gifted professionals?
So with no insight into the way they are being used either you are deaf or the pros are deaf. Ummm... Which amp were you using?
"General thoughts" on a speaker would assume the speaker is being used with equipment of similar quality. I did not mention room or cables.
So from your comment ( missioncoonery- "Personally I wouldnt take em if free...") we are to deduce you think they are bad. But some of the finest recording studios on the planet would disagree. So now who do we believe? Your opinion or the opinion of gifted professionals?
So with no insight into the way they are being used either you are deaf or the pros are deaf. Ummm... Which amp were you using?