gaukus, everything electronic or acoustic can improve through vibration management.
This information is taken from a website:
Electricity is a noise generator. The energy from electrical flow causes vibrations that generate amplitudes of resonance. Resonance is like a slow-moving thickening substance as it builds upon all electronic parts and equipment chassis’ clogging every mechanical, electromechanical, and acoustic signal pathway. These unwanted properties negatively affect your sound and video quality, limiting the “operational efficiency” of everything in the system’s entirety.
Why use an Audio Point™ under computers? The thirty-year-old Audio Point is being studied and tested in a few industries outside of audio. Their mechanical grounding process reduces heat. When the temperature is reduced in any electrical device, performance increases in all aspects.
Once the noise and resonance are transferred out and away from the equipment sources, anyone can see the increased video resolution, feel the chassis become cooler to the touch, and hear the sonic quality improve in a dramatic fashion. Another benefit is where the electronic parts’ longevity is increased over time so the computer will last well past its warranty period.
All Soundstage products reduce the operating temperature in everything placed onto them. The added benefits from temperature reduction allow the signal and noise associated with electricity to become less noticeable producing a cleaner sonic and a higher picture resolution.
The smallest platforms adapt to computers, laptops, compact speakers, power supplies, radios and transform video quality under TVs and cable boxes while expanding measurable sound frequencies under any digital/analog playback or recording system equipment.
Noise and vibrations are a physical part of electricity. If you cannot clean up this interfering energy, the outside disturbances such as mini-earthquakes, trains, and traffic zipping by are not your only issue with sound equipment. Electricity is the initial and primary pollutant.
Disclaimer: I am a retired sound engineer who is working part-time for a vibration management company involved in building products for high-end audio. I studied vibration in electronic components, loudspeakers, and structural surroundings for three decades. The information posted here is not a commercial advertisement or is meant to generate sales using this forum as a vehicle. I would rather explore other opinions, learn about various applications, and increase knowledge.