McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"
Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act.
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- 525 posts total
@oldhvymec I forgot the Fox Terrier !! DOG is my second language.. I did see the pic and hes adorable. I meant to say something about him but forgot I could not agree more that Dogs are far better than people. LOL I can dig fugly machines, rat rods, hoopdies and the like for sure. While I may extend out of my preferred weight class and punch a welterweight in the trunks, I dont do broken helmets. Tons of respect for a man who does and will admit it. I like you more because of it ..lol See ? I knew ya had it ... Turning wrenches is meditation for me. My knuckles keep snapping me out of the trance though. I used to laugh at the plumbers butt crack when I was a kid.. Shiiiiiii.....Little did I know ....
@laoman ສະບາຍດີ ! 🙏 You are a brother before you even speak to me..
🏅 mikepowellaudioສະບາຍດີ, ຂ້ອຍຄິດວ່າເຈົ້າກໍ່ເປັນຄົນດີຄືກັນ IF I were in the US I would buy equipment from you, because you tell it like it is and are not full of bs.
Mike Powell posts to me:
Your promise to be polite but in your invitation is already a veiled insult ("what you think you know"). No, you’ve already proved your ability to be abusive. You can make another video -- calling this "the yellow" site and calling folks here "hens" etc. No, your invitation to name-call and abuse on Zoom is politely declined. And what do I "know"? I have not claimed to know anything -- I have posted your video, your comments, verbatim. As you can see on this thread, many took offense to what you said -- again, your words, taken verbatim. Those not recalling can look on 02-15-2022 at 06:13am. It's not the only point where I rehearse what you said, but it will do. People who wish to could also re-watch your video. They can judge for themselves. I’m done with you, dude. You tried to stir the pot in the guise of truth-teller, you pissed a lot of people off, and now rather than say something simple like, "I overstated things" you’re making more videos and doubling down. I don’t think you’re a bad guy, but you’re not owning up to your hyperbole on your video and your trash-talking, here. This is why I suggested that friends help you with an intervention. It’s not because you’re all that messed up -- you clearly know a lot and you have a passion for audio -- but an intervention is appropriate because you are refusing to see what to most everyone else is obvious. I will not reply to further comments from you. People can agree with my summary of the situation or not, but the matter to me is plain -- you will not address what you said, and prefer to attack rather than offer up a crumb of contrition. Goodbye.
- 525 posts total