Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it?

Hi All,

instead of using a "gourmet" fuse in certain situations, I want to bypass the fuse entirely with a solid piece of metal. I also want to avoid soldering-in a piece of wire in the fuse’s place.

Are there solid pieces of silver or copper, the same size as a fuse, that i can swap into a fuse holder?


I suspect that fuses have sound because of the metallurgy of the contact points and resistance at the contact points. You can solve both problems with fuses that are soldered in place. Which is what I do.

Post removed 

Sorry, but I disagree from extensive listening and testing experience

your trivial sensory experience has been negated by ’expert‘ opinion.

consider yourself chastised by a higher authority…;)

There are several counties where it would be illegal were a manufacturer to supply equipment without a certificated fuse installed.

Of course once they have done so its down to the purchaser as all bets are then off.




Original Poster

b. 1972

d. 2022

Great Father, Devoted Husband, Bad Tweaker.


Do not do this.