Where is Geoff Kait???😢

I get an email every Friday with a "best of" from the forums and, invariably, I would get my "engineering nerd humor" going full blast reading Geoff Kait remarks and suggestions. Those that did not understand him never had the pleasure of effectively reducing the side-fumbling lunar wayne shafts on those darned finicky sinusoidal dingle arms. I miss that... I do hope he is well and returns to make my Fridays humorous again.

Much thanks to @tweak1 for reminding me of such a simple joy, ESPECIALLY via the use of that dark matter stuff you put on CDs!🙂




He still posts on AA

and FYI: NEW DARK MATTER is not a cd treatment, it is a thin smoky material that you cut to size and stick inside the tray well with supplied double sided adhesive. A ONE TIME remedy

Audio Asylum is incomprehensible. I never find a way to see a whole thread. Very strange.  It must have been built in the 1990s and definitely needs an overhaul.Â